Claver Haragirimana

Keywords:fight again stigmatisation of mental health disorders, psychoeducation for families, peer support, income generating activities
Languages:EN, FR
Methods:In-person training, videoconference


I am experienced in mental health issue, I was ex psychiatric user (here we are know as crazy or mental patients (by stigmatization), I am well recovered I can train about resilience of mental patients and empowering them to give them some secret in how fighting against stigma, also I can give some skills about economical empowerment, income generating activities, drug abuse, drug addiction, …

I am also graduated in narrative therapy in National University of Rwanda, I know many techniques to use for mental health wellness, to the patients, also the parents, young people, adults, women service providers, …

I can add that after the training, many people think that is the first time they hear about the mental health because of their mind will change after the training.

Teaching methods

  • Traditional courses and classrooms
  • E-learning
  • Videoconference
  • Co-teaching
  • Supervision and training
  • Coaching


  • Induction and welcome phase
  • Therapeutic community
  • Social reinsertion phase
  • Vocational training during TC
  • Treatment of addiction – Specific tools
  • Working with families
  • Peer support groups for parents
  • Networking with other services
  • Youth from 12 – 21
  • Addicted youngsters
  • Justice
  • Prevention
  • Training for teachers
  • Training for trainers
  • Project management

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