Georges van der Straten

Keywords: therapeutic community, project design and management, quality management for social/health services, prevention, re-integration Languages: FR, EN Methods: e-learning, in-person, coaching, supervision Biography I have been working for 35 years as founder and head of therapeutic communities and 15 years as founder and manager of the learning network Ecett-Networks. I have teaching experience in the… Continue reading Georges van der Straten

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Daria Vellani

Keywords: school, learning, disability, developmental disorders, specific learning disorder, inclusion, learning tools/strategies,parent-training Languages: IT, EN, FR Methods: e-learning, in-person Biography I am a psychologist, I have 3 masters in developmental disorders, psychomotricity and diagnosis of specific learning disorders. I have been working for 10 years in a social organization: I managed an educational service who… Continue reading Daria Vellani

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Andrea Ascari

Keywords: project design and management, quality management, new technology for social/health services, prevention, re-integration Languages: IT, EN, (FR) Methods: e-learning, coaching, in-person Biography I have been working for 25 years in the social field and I’ve managed for 15 years a organization serving as research, training and development department for a consortium of social enterprises… Continue reading Andrea Ascari

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Elisa Pighi

Keywords: social research qualitative tools for European projects, evaluation and quality management, project design, basic sociological concepts, social inclusion, contemporary society Methods: e-learning, in-person Languages: IT, EN Biography I have a master’s degree in Political Sciences and Ph. D. in Sociology. My work experience is in social research, especially in qualitative methods, and in the… Continue reading Elisa Pighi

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