Prison-Based Therapeutic Communities in Proyecto Hombre (Spain)

Keywords:Prison Treatment, therapeutic communities
Languages:SP, EN
Duration:2 – 4 hours
Area:Managers and therapists working with people with drug use disorders in conflict with the law


Experience in therapeutic communities model.


  • O1 – To know as a case study: the TTCC approach in prison settings in Proyecto Hombre (Spain)
  • 02 – To be able to understand the needs of the process for the Implementation of a Therapeutic Community in penitentiary environment
  • O3 – To know the main challenges and opportunities of working with people with substance use disorder in conflict with the law.


  • Objectives and scope of the Therapeutic Communities in prison settings
  • Penal and penitentiary legal frameworks of support
  • Bio-psycho-social model of intervention and phases
  • Strategies for implementation
  • Team building and staff qualification required
  • Criteria for inclusion and exclusion in the programme
  • Evaluation and monitoring
  • Good practices in the penitentiary field on treatment
  • Challenges

Teachers: BegoƱa Gomez del Campo

Integration with other modulesNo
E-learning support No
Available at distance No
Available in place No
Integrated with supervision No
Available in coaching mode No

Bibliography and references:

Fees: no fee

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