Keywords: respect, gestion de conflits Languages: Français Methods: Présentiel, visio-conférence Duration: 6 Area: Communication Prerequisites aucun Objectives O1 : donner des outils O2: nnnnn O3: nnnn Syllabus SY1 SY2 SY3 SY4 SY5 Teachers: Natacha Delmotte Integration with other modules Y E-learning support Y Available at distance Y Available in place Y Integrated with supervision Y… Continue reading COURSE 1: La communication non-violente
Category: Catalog
Prevention in the dark web era
Keywords: Internet, dark web, prevention, Languages: EN, FR, IT Methods: E-learning, webinar Duration: 2-4 hr Area: Prevention, Addiction Prerequisites Experience in prevention activities, basic knowledge of the Internet Objectives To understand the main principles of the dark web and how it is affecting addiction and drug abuses. To be able to integrate specific strategies in… Continue reading Prevention in the dark web era
Tools for project management
Keywords: project design and management, new technologies, Erasmus+, evaluation of projects and quality management. Languages: EN, IT, FR Methods: e-learning Duration: 6-24 hr Area: HR, quality and project management Prerequisites Basic knowledge of project management, basic knowledge on project evaluation, average skills on using online tools Objectives Facilitate the activity of project management through online… Continue reading Tools for project management